Friday, August 24, 2007

Some Progress

Well, I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the PM mass gain cycle. I've gained a decent amount of weight, about 10lbs. What's more exciting, is that for every exercise I have gone for a 1RM in, I have set a new PR.

Here's my new PRs: (all weights in #'s)

Press= 145 (from 140)
Clean = 193 (from 185)
Snatch = 135 (from 115)
Weighted pull-up = 135 (from 115)

I'm still going to attempt 1Rm's on deadlift and back squat. I'm a little nervous about getting under the bar again - nothing else compares to putting heavy weight on your back. But I'm pretty confident I can set a new PR in the deadlift.

The next 3 weeks in is the strength cycle portion of the program. I've made some PRs without doing any low rep work the pass month. Some of that is probably the additional mass, some is probably getting some much needed rest. I'm looking forward to some higher numbers after I do some serious strength work and can use this added muscle to the fullest.

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