As an update on my training progress, I've stopped the Phillipi deadlift program. One, I hurt my back on a jerk. A PR Jerk of 190 lbs., but certainly not worth the pain I've been in for the past two weeks. After a good drive and getting under the bar, my position wasn't quite stable overhead, and the bar began to fall backwards, I successfully attempted to recover, but not without hyperextending my lower back. More isometric abs work anyone?
I'm continuing to jerk, and add in more abs/back work. I'm working on some Push Jerks right now, they seem to be a bit kinder to my back. Last time I ended up with a max set of 5 at 155 lbs. Not sure if that's a PR for my 5RM, but I'm looking to break that 190 lbs. 1rm foolishness in the next few weeks.
The "big" news is that I've decided to enter into a strongman contest that's going to be up in PA in May. The events are...
1. Log Press @ 210 lbs.
2. Stone and Keg carry @ 200 lbs.
3. Axle Deadlift for reps @ 400 lbs.
4. Tire Flip/Sled Drag. Tire @ 550 lbs., sled
5. Atlas Stones, 200-310 lbs.
I'm taking a 6 week seminar at The Weight Room on Strongman training. Great stuff, and the crossover between CrossFit and strongman is huge, especially concerning the elements of compound movements/odd object lifting and even strength endurance.
My goals are as follows for the contest:
1. Log press - I just want to get the damn thing up. once. Just once! I was playing with a 12" log recently, at just under 150 lbs., and it was tough. Having that log in your face forces you to lean back a good bit, limiting your hip extension. My plan is to get my Jerk/Press/Push Press up substantially, as well as working on handstands/handstand push-ups. I figure, all the overhead work I do can't hurt, as long as I'm not overtraining. of course I'll train with the implement as well.
2. Stone and keg carry. Haven't thought much about this one, I assume it's going to be a medley, in which case I'm hoping my CrossFit conditioning will help me out. I'll be working with stones, heavy sandbags, and hopefully a keg if I can find one.
3. Axle Deadlift. I've got no idea what to expect here. I'll be working on my deadlifts more as soon as I'm able. I'm shooting for 465 before the contest, maybe more, in a standard deadlift with the bar. The axle will be raised higher than normal(14-16"), but grip will be a factor. Thick rope climps, and working with loose sandbags that I can grip the fabric will be most of my "grip" work. Again, I'll try out some axle deadlifts before I go.
4. Tire Flip/Sled drag. I'm hoping to shine here, as much as I can for my first time at least. My tire flips feel solid, though my form breaks down under duress. Sled drags don't feel too bad either. I'm looking at getting a tire of my own to help prepare for the contest.
5. Atlas Stones. God help me. My goal is to get the first 2, maybe three. I've played around with them twice now, and their just about the most frustrating piece of equipment I have ever encountered. I've gotten halfway decent at picking the 175. There isn't a 200 at TWR. The 230 I can lap and get up to about 50"(maybe) at the moment. I'm sure I'll be able to lap the 250 by contest time, but my problem is extending my back far enough to get the stone up my body and onto the platform. Again, I feel like sandbag work will help me here... can you guess what I just got a few of?
I'll update my progress a few times before the contest. Other than working the implements and training as I've already stated, I'll be doing CrossFit regularly, as well as working in some ME work on Front Squats, Press/Push Press/Push jerk, and deadlifts once I heal up.
Until next time.