Well, it's been awhile since I have updated this. Turns out, that when you start a gym, you train less. Who would have figured?
I had the CrossFit Level 1 cert a couple weeks ago. It was a great time. Heard a lot that I was already familiar with, but seeing qualified coaches teach movements as well as Greg Glassman explaining CrossFit was very informative. I took some time off from regular lifting to prepare for the cert, didn't want to go in terrible condition.
I'm about to start a new cycle. I'll be doing CrossFit, with one out of every 3 training days being a lifting day. This is a little less than what I have been doing, but I'm trying to balance things out a little better; my metcon and muscle endurance have been suffering lately. First 8-10 weeks I will be working on the Deadlift and Jerk. The deadlift program will be following Mark Phillipi's deadlift cycle, Jerks will be a simple periodization. I'll be including a lot more supplementary work to help improve muscle endurance in the bodyweight movements. That's all for now, more details later!